I have been reading through Mark Manson’s alternative self-helpish book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck and a few words stood out to me this week.
The ticket to emotional health, like that of physical health, comes from eating your veggies– that is, accepting the bland and mundane truths of life: truths such as “The vast majority of your life will be boring and not noteworthy and that’s okay.” This vegetable course will taste bad at first. Very bad. You will avoid accepting it. But once accepted, your body will wake up feeling more potent, more alive.
How often do we focus on not caring? This isn’t to say on being apathetic, but being determined to focus less on so many societal pressures.
This pressures to keep up, to change the world, to be beautiful, to be popular, to be noticed, to be liked, to have influence has pervaded our entire existence and is threatening to take away the simple pleasures of life: Drinking wine. Having lunch. Reading a book. Laughing with someone you care about.
I hope that my words will help you seek out these simple pleasures so that our moments of seeming mundanity, the ones that truly make our lives, are not stolen from us because of a perceived lack of profundity.
Moments are important because we breathe life into them and recognize them as such. So here’s to you, and your moments. Here’s to your life and how you choose to fill it. Here’s to your weekend and all
the moments after.
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