after all, it’s cold out there. and gaps make drafts.
LUST Alternative Thanksgiving at Lot 45 in Bushwick.
have you ever been sitting at thanksgiving dinner and thought, this would be way cooler if it was a little saucier, sexier, racier? of course you haven’t. because that’s gross. but if you so desire to take the tradition out of the holiday and spice up your game (and I’m not talking about wild meat), head to lot 45 for their alternative thanksgiving. feed off of naked bodies. no utensils. return to your carnal desires. it’s an immersive underground lustful dinner party and an evening dedicated to intense carnal intimacy that will leave you feeling very grateful this thanksgiving. tickets, $75 available here. friday and saturday night, 930-3am. 411 troutman st.
Her-icane Relief, All Female Comedy Show at Threes Brewing on Franklin St. in Greenpoint.
let your laughter and joy translate into help and support and also transfer down south to puerto rico where they desperately need it. threes brewing in greenpoint is hosting an all-female stand-up show, a comedy storm all for her-icane relief, followed by three amazing local bands. $10 tickets, all proceeds will go to the hispanic federation. tickets and info here. show starts at 8pm. 113 franklin st. at threes brewing, i’ll try anything thrice™
Wine, Sides, and Pumpkin Pie at the Greene Grape in Fort Greene.
no matter where you are on your thanksgiving preparedness, friday’s event at greene grape wines will make you feel better about it. and maybe give you some recipe and party planning inspiration. or just give you a little preview of how to successfully avoid subversive political discussions around the table this year… just keep drinking. all info here, 6-8pm. 767 fulton st.
Pop-Up Sample Sale for Hurricane Relief in Puerto Rico at Absurd Conclave in Bushwick.
come revel with a cause this saturday and help Puerto Rico and help yourself a bit too by heading to the pop-up sample sale at absurd conclave in bushwick. they open their doors and for $5 you can browse tons of samples from local vendors while sipping on juice garden bk juices and beer from beer today beer tomorrow. all proceeds go to The Hispanic Federation Organization’s UNIDOS Disaster Relief and Recovery Program. info here. 360 jefferson st, lower level.
Soul Clap and Roy Davis Jr. play Elsewhere in Bushwick.
this is the dance party you want to be at this weekend. soul clap and roy davis jr take over elsewhere, the new venue from the magic souls behind glasslands. get there. tickets $15-20 available here. show starts at 10pm. 599 johnson ave.
Park Slope and Windsor Terrace Artists Open Studios Weekend.
no it’s not going to just be paintings of abstract baby strollers in a surrealist landscape (isn’t that how they feel when spotted in greenpoint?) change your perspective on these colorful, creative, open-minded neighborhoods from the inside-out this weekend with the park slope and windsor terrace open studios. saturday and sunday. list of artists and map available here. noon-5pm.
Our Damn Selves Market + Planned Parenthood Benefit with Dusty Rose Vintage at the Brooklyn Bazaar in Greenpoint.
shake the dust from your frustration, your anger, your discontentment with our current political situation and show them that we can (and will) help our damn selves. the our damn selves market, a benefit for planned parenthood by dusty rose vintage, will be happening sunday at the brooklyn bazaar. come see over 30 vendors, including the immensely talented nicole fulmer of @analogue.knitting, and let’s support planned parenthood and each other and our damn selves. all info here. noon-6pm, 150 greenpoint ave.
Astro 101: Intro to Reading Your Birthchart at Daya Yoga Studio in Bushwick.
i love being a scorpio but i couldn’t tell you what is rising in my house or how to measure my moods by the moon or why exactly i can’t date aquarians. but what i can say is the more i learn about the cosmic connection of when i was born, the more it all feels like a sign. come to this week’s astro 101 and learn to read your birthchart and inevitably to be more cosmically connected. tickets $40 available here. 360 jefferson st.
The Royal Palms’ Fourth Annual Tangsgiving Singles Shuffleboard Tournament in Gowanus
we should be thankful for so many amazing things about living in brooklyn, but especially for this amazing shuffleboard mecca in gowanus and the freedom it allows us to team up with our friends and drink beers and show us that this game is way way cooler than the fantasy deck of a cruise ship. register here for $20 and head over Sunday. 10am-3pm. 514 union st.
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