Baiju: A Taste of the World of Chinese Spirits at MoFaD in Williamsburg
Japanese whiskeys are hot right now. Brooklyn-brewed sake is a thing. And pure milk vodka? Well honestly that just feels like some sort of trick. Come discover the next big thing in drinks or at least something to talk about that will make you sound cooler than your friends at the bar. The Museum of Food and Drink in Williamsburg helps us get into the spirits of the Far East this Thursday. Learn about and taste your way through some Baiju, the world’s best-selling liquor while snacking on bites from Kings County Imperial. Tickets, $30 available here. 6:30-8:30pm, 62 Bayard St.
Five Course Beer Dinner at Palo Santo in Carroll Gardens
Prix Fix menus can be stuffy. Elaborate wine pairings for offensively delicate portions, a need to overstate every bite and sip and scent. Come Thursday to Palo Santo, your favorite Pan-Latin restaurant in a Brooklyn Brownstone for a 5-course meal, each fortified with beer pairings by Strong Rope Brewery. Lighten up that prix fixe with bubbles and brews and all the exotic flavors chef Jacques Gautier dreams up. $55/person. Get yours here now. 7-10pm, 652 Union St.
International Pop-Up Dinner with Endless Sunrice at the Diamond, Greenpoint.
Watch the sunset Indonesian-style at the Diamond in Greenpoint this Thursday where Endless Sunrice will bring all of the magic, warmth, and tropical flavors of Indonesia through your mouth and into your soul. These fresh flavors will pair perfectly with that fresh mouth of yours and the fresh menu of rare beers that are constantly rotating in and out of this wondrous little beer (AND LIQUOR!) bar. Endless Sunrice will be cooking up the magic out from 6pm- they run out. Feast your eyes first here and swallow all of your excuses and come early and hungry and then #meetmeinthegondola where we will share rices and secrets. 43 Franklin St. #ricesandsecrets
Short Shorts Dance Party at Alphaville in Bushwick
The first hint of warm weather hits Brooklyn and immediately everyone pulls the shortest of shorts out from our drawers, shakes them out, and pull them over our winter-white legs and barely over our decidedly in-shape enough asses and we fucking go OUT. And you know what? I fucking love it. I’ve missed your knees, Brooklyn. And the semi-seductive way your ass cheeks seep out below those high-waisted shorts. Yeah. Let’s all celebrate not giving a shit and dance all night at this short shorts dance party at Alphaville. Come. Show it off. Shake it down. Warm it up. Go home with a new pair of legs to wrap around your body. This event is free. Dj sets by Acid Dad. Info here. Midnight-4am, 140 Wilson Ave.

Flying Trapeze Showcase at the Espana STREB Trapeze Academy in Williamsburg
Getting high on the weekends is pretty cool. Oh come on, you agree with me you just don’t want to be that person that admits it. It is, it’s cool. But you know what else is cool? Getting really high hanging on to a bar attached to a pair of long ropes and then doing all kinds of tricks upon it and from it. Yep. And you don’t have to text a weird guy whose last name is likely a type of car to meet you at some random corner then drive you to the next corner while you utter the same 7 words you him you’ve said to him throughout your 4-year relationship. This flying trapeze showcase by the Espana STREB Trapeze Academy is like the coolest adult circus you can imagine, and they’ll teach you too if you want. Kick your bad habits. Get high at STREB instead. Tickest are $15 at the door and include a beer or wine. Info here. 51 N 1st St.
Brian Cid and Stranger Than present ENDANGERED, location TBA.
This is the dance party you’ve been waiting for all week. A showcase of the best of Brooklyn, pumping out the techno tunes that will keep you moving and grooving and shaking those hips and sinking those ships all night. Brooklyn-native Brian Cid returns home for his latest label and event concept release, ENDANGERED. Be there for the launch, for the experimentation, for the experience that will throw you into a dystopian space-age world of immersive art and live performance transcendent visuals and music. Tickets $20 available here. Location announced before the event.
World’s Fare at Citi Field in Flushing
Food festivals in this city can kind of suck. No one really needs to sample over 200 mac and cheeses and if you’ve ever even tried to get a shred of pork at the Manhattan Barbecue fest, it’s enough to drive your buns straight into a barstool and toward whatever bar food is available. This isn’t one of those food festivals. The always exotically enticing Queens night market comes to Citifield this Saturday for the World’s Fare, an exploration of the foods, drinks, culture, and all things good from all over the world. Come, spend the day. Eat. Drink. View some live art. Dance some dances from other cultures. Do some sumo wrestling. Yeah, it’s all there for you. Tickets range from $45-199 so choose your own culinary adventure here. 12-2pm at Citifield, 123-01 Roosevelt Ave.
Cinnamon Toast Brunch and Can Release at Coney Island Brewery
Cereal for breakfast is still the best, but I guess it doesn’t make you feel quite as grown-up and responsible as a kewl Kombucha and Acai bowl does. Come and celebrate your cereal habit and feel super fucking adult about it at the Cinnamon Toast Brunch and can release at Coney Island Brewery. A full cereal bar will be available in the beer garden (plus other brunch staples!) and their new Cinnamon Toast Kolsch will summon up all the smells and tastes and hopes and dreams of our childhood mornings. Tickets, $25 available here. 11am-1pm, 1904 Surf Ave.
Brooklyn Crab’s 6th Annual Oyster Fest in Red Hook
What better way to welcome in this warmer season than with all of your friends playing games outdoors and drinking pitchers of beers and slurping some briney-boogery like things on the half shell together? There is no better way. Trust me. I’ve tried all the ways. Head down to Red Hook’s beloved Brooklyn Crab for their 6th Annual Oyster Fest and celebrate being young and wild and free and feeling alive and actively consuming lots of little aphrodisiacs and then seduce everyone with your new knowledge of east versus west coast bivalves. Tickets are $60 and can be purchased here. See you out there. 2-5pm, 24 Reed St.
Young Adult Friction Dance Party at Brooklyn Bazaar, Greenpoint
there’s no doubt in my mind that heavy-hitting underground house music will keep you going all night and into the next afternoon at a good Brooklyn warehouse party, but some nights we want a change. We want to dance up on each other, create a little friction, dance ourselves clean, then dirty, then really fucking grimy and clean again. It’s the Adult Friciton dance party at Brooklyn Bazaar, a night of indie dance music that will feel (almost!) like you’re at Brooklyn Steel for LCD’s last show of this 10-night holiday residency. Entry is oh so free. all info here. 10pm to 2am, 150 Greenpoint ave.
Whole Hog for a Cause at Threes Brewing, Gowanus
I never need a reason for a pig roast, but when you can #revelwithacause at Brooklyn’s best brewery and take part in a whole-hog roast, I’ll be there before you can say souuuueeeey! (and actually, don’t say that. it’s weird.) The lovely meat handlers and steak holders of the Meat Hook are providing a pig that will be roasted overnight with painstaking expertise. Tickets are $60 include a heavy plate of ‘cue and sides and 2 Threes brews and proceeds go to the Brownsville Community Culinary Center. Tickets and info here. It starts at 5pm, 333 Douglass ave. at Threes Brewing, I’ll try anything thrice.™
Grilled Cheese Cook-Off at Noorman’s Kil in Williamsburg
Nothing chases a hangover into Monday faster than hot cheese and whiskey. Seriously, nothing. And I might be going off on a limb here but I’d imagine that pushing that hangover away will be a top priority for you come Monday after this first Spring-feeling weekend. The best way to do it is at Noorman’s Kil Sunday where they will make a competition out of your hangover cure with their Grilled Cheese Cook-Off. Anyone can enter, just follow a few select rules. Everyone can enjoy, and one winner will have their creation on the menu for a whole month. Kings Co. Distillery will be there to make sure the competition stays hot and wet and a little tipsy. Also, it’s Grilled Cheese Month and you didn’t even know it did you. Go to this event. Make up for lost time. Info here, it’s happening from 2-8pm. 609 Grand St.
Get out there, Brooklyn.
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