The snow squall has sent us tumbling uncontrollably into a full polar vortex that we have no way of knowing which way is up or down or when it will end. Except, of course, with the terribly accurate weather apps on our personal devices. It will end Monday, folks, one day too late for Punxsutawney Phil but in time for all of us to know we will make it. We will. We all will.
Prove your strength in the fight against the vortex by fortifying your social life through all of the activities I’ve lined up for you this weekend. Because hey, safety in numbers, right? It’s not safety in Netflix at home. Go, get out. The entire city is waiting for you.
Thirst Trap at House of Yes in Bushwick
Trying to navigate the comedy scene in this city is… well, laughable. Getting pulled into amateur hour in the East Village where you’ll be promised a free watered-down drink and then shamed if you try to leave, or standing outside of a cramped basement show that you overpaid for while your friend texts you from the back of the Knitting Factory where Aziz Ansari has just come on stage to a free show they accidentally stumbled into- it’s hard to find humor in it all. The lovely people behind House of Yes want to make you laugh again this Thursday night by hosting the first of the new comedy series by Anya Volz. It starts on the HoY stage before moving to Dekalb Stage, so catch it Thursday night. Tickets are only $10 and are available here.
I Am A Filipino Dinner at Archestratus in Greenpoint
I’m only including this as a painful reminder to you. Yes, this event is sold out. Yes, it’s been sold out for weeks now. Yes, there is a way to prevent this pain from happening again. Follow Archestratus on Instagram, sign up for their emails, and put every event on your radar. Because tonight you could be cooking, learning, and eating Filipino Food and getting that new, ambitious cookbook signed by the author right in the heart of NoGreePo. Go, sign up now. There’s so much more to come over at 160 Huron St.

It’s the last day of “Dry” January
Ugh. That means all you’ll be hearing about tomorrow is how much fucking clarity all of the beings who are too weak to do “I just need to reevaluate my life” January
*PS Total respect for those of you who did Dry January. That takes a hell of a lot of discipline. Just tip your bartenders a bit extra this month, eh?

Dancing Queen Dreamland Roller Disco in Industry City
Who says disco is dead? And that roller skating is lame? Because that person sucks and is going to be really fucking bummed out when you and all of your friends have been ABBA-ing along on 4-wheels and with one heart, all night in Industry City Friday night. That’s right, there’s a fresh new roller rink that opened and has fallen under the (auspices?) of the Yelp monster because somehow people don’t realize roller skating can be dangerous, for idiots. Go and prove them wrong at the Dancing Queen Dreamland Roller Disco this Friday night. Costumes encouraged, details here, $20 (includes skates!) 7:30-10:30pm, 274 36th St.
Dinner and Dancing at Mission Chinese and Elsewhere in Bushwick
This weather makes us wish for some sort of one-stop shop of a nightlife experience, so we can get it all in and let it all out without trudging from one location to another and waiting for the G train or fighting over who’s getting the L
Flashback: Legends of Nightlife at House of Yes in Bushwick
It’s fucking freezing out. So there’s no better time to relish in our own ability to make heat than this Friday night. Warm up the dance floor and be part of this city’s beating heart at with this flashback dance party, welcoming Tedd Patterson carrying the torch of the legendary Sound Factory, and Eli Escobar bringing a fresh perspective to the classics. Send a big Fuck You to Winter time by showing how much more powerful you are than it’s unyielding grasp. Well, I mean, when contained in a smallish warehouse in Bushwick but whatever. But whatever, when our powers combine! Right? Come dressed as a 90s rave kid, or just go buy anything at Urban Outfitters right now. Tickets free
Hot Glass, Cold Beer at the Brooklyn Glass Studio in Gowanus
Your mid-winter Saturday doesn’t have to blow, folks. Welcome to the trifecta of weekend events. Supporting local artists? Check! Learning a new skill? Check check! Adding to your unique collection of handmade Brooklyn items? Oh yeah, baby. PLUS bottomless beers. Brooklyn Glass Studio’s semi-annual fundraiser brings you into their studio for a
Winter Warmer at the Expo Center in Greenpoint
Looking for something to do this Saturday that will help you forget the weather and explore all of the best of Brooklyn under one roof? Well
It’s a Rave at Nowadays in Ridgewood
Let’s face it – here in Brooklyn, we’ve replaced the word “rave” with “warehouse party” or “underground
Young Adult Friction Indie-Alt Dance Party at the Brooklyn Bazaar in Greenpoint
Your favorite weekend

The 2019 Superb Owl Party at House of Yes in Bushwick
Because everything they do immerses you into it fully and wholly, prepare to send yourself into the end zone, to climb every field goal post, to take the air out of all the naysayers, to dive into the puppy bowl water bowl, and to actually physically become a nacho. Yeah. For a real explanation and to claim your coveted $17 ticket, click here. It’s at happening at House of Yes, 2 Wyckoff Ave.

Super Bowl at the Moonlight Mile in Greenpoint
That party that isn’t aggressive, you can bring your own wings, at a bar that feels like Cheers even if it’s your first time there. Head to the Moonlight Mile in Greenpoint for that non-sports bar feel with a big pull down screen, likely a non-aggressive but excited crowd, a free jukebox to drown out the horrid halftime show and any post-game bitching and over 200 whiskeys to make you feel really fucking American, even if you aren’t really into the NFL. They’ll be open from 1pm-midnight, so just go. Hang. Get wings from Chicken

Super Bowl Party at Nowadays in Ridgewood
Really big screens, really cozy couches, really a lot of flavors of wings for you, and tons of beers on tap. Plus, they really do have a sauna in the back yard so if the game gets

Host a Pre-Oscars Viewing Party
Invite your non-sports friends over for a pre-Oscars Oscars party, and catch up on one or two of the top nominated films. Make fancy popcorns. Drink champagne. Do the exact opposite of most everyone else in this country. Set a timer for the halftime show at the puppy bowl though, because everyone needs a good kitten break. My favorites this year? Roma. BlacKKKlansmen, First Man. Check out all the nominations here.
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