Here we are, Brooklyn. We are all here. In our homes, in our city. And I’m here to help you find ways to stay and feel connected. These guides will continue to serve as a resource for both weekend-only and ongoing events in the hope that they help cure your cabin fever and find beauty and inspiration during this massive ‘PAUSE’. And that when we all go outside again, we’ll find the city that we love waiting to embrace us all again. Hang in there, Brooklyn. And see you soon.

Get Disco Fever
Kick your Zoom house parties into gear by relishing over this mini-virtual exhibit via the Brooklyn Museum relish in the 3 fateful years Studio54 was in our fair city, then channel some inner disco queen by wearing whatever the flashiest thing in your closet and telling all of your zoomy friends that they can’t get in. Drugs are optional (but it would be a lot cooler if you did).
They’ll also be broadcasting their First Saturdays online, bringing you hands-on art, live performances, DJs, spoken word, poetry, art and everything else you need right now.
Or, bring your favorite club into your house…
House of Yes IGTV launches TONIGHT at 8pm, so tune in for all of the weird, wild, and wonderful that you’ve been missing, and thankfully, without that creepy bathroom with all the bugs crawling all over the walls. Info here!

Step Up your Virtual Cocktail Parties with St. Agrestis + Greenhook Gin Negronis, plus hand sanitizer!
Available for curbside pick-up or local delivery, get a little tipsy and stay clean while you do it.
Nowadays has live streaming DJs nightly starting at 8pm!
Yep. Every night, it’s virtually Nowadays. Tune in while you’re cooking, while you’re “working”, while you’re fucking or doing that goddamn puzzle that won’t quit.

Become a baker.
I picked up a sourdough starter from the stoop of a friendly neighbor and I’m happy to share! Let’s show this precarious yeast shortage who’s boss. Holler at me if you want some, let’s start something together.
Yoga, nightly!
Good Times Brooklyn is holding live classes at 5pm every day so keep the good energy flowing and of course, the good karma too- donate to help support their teachers via venmo @goodtimes-bk
Reelabilities Film Festival goes Virtual!
The festival will be showing all films virtually this weekend. Tune in and be moved by so many stories of people living with disabilities who are achieving amazing things. Be moved, even though you’re stationary.
Atlas Obscura’s Wonder From Home
All the best ways to get lost and feel better on the internet are waiting for you right here via Atlas Obscura. Because mindlessly scrolling never really led anyone to where they wanted to be anyway, here’s the anti-Instagram black hole.
The heartbreaking loss of Greenpoint’s beloved Cherry Point is only the beginning of what will be too many local businesses shuttering their doors forever. Keep supporting your favorite businesses. They make this city the amazing place that it is, and they need you.
Word Books still has puzzles…
Which, if you didn’t know, are all sold out/back-ordered on Amazon. Yeah. And I don’t trust eBay puzzles because I was always that kid who hid one piece in my pocket so I can place the last piece. Get your puzzle and books by calling 718-383-0096 and then picking up your order at 120 Franklin St.

ACME’s Fish Fridays are still happening!
and now you’re actually able to participate! Order online here and then pick-up curbside at 30 Gem Street.
Tend Greenpoint Pick-Up!
Because bringing a little life into your home while in isolation lifts everyone’s spirits. Check out their selection via Instagram and call in an order to pick up!
Ponyboy Bottled Cocktails!
Featuring the work of local artists, 10% of each sale goes to the artist. #revelwithacause

For a few other creative ways to show your support, by one of these amazing t-shirts from Moonlight Mile, get some amazing French wines at a discount from Sauvage, and buy one of these charming tote bags from Anella.

Drink Local Beer.
Use this list of all our local breweries offering to-go and delivery (some with food too!) and drink local from your home.

Barano Brooklyn, dinner + wine pairing
Offering their full menu and custom wine pairings through neighboring bottle shop Spirit Animal, wine and dine yourself finely tonight. All info here.
Edouard Massih Quarancatering
This Greenpoint local chef is posting his daily recipes for a homecooked, catered meal to help feed and connect you to your community from the comfort of your own mess-free kitchen. Follow him here and join in this week’s menu options, complete with a mocktail ready and waiting for your favorite liquor to be added.

Archestratus Contact-less Market!
Your favorite cookbook store and cafe has been working with local makers and markets to bring you this, a contactless market open this Saturday! Order online and pick-up right outside of the store, from 1-3pm. 160 Huron St.
Pour one out for your homies…
And please, support your favorite local businesses by contributing to their staff’s GoFundMe. There are 321,000 restaurant industry workers who are now, all, unemployed and potentially without jobs once “all of this ends”. Contribute the extra cash you have in your pocket that you haven’t been using as tips to help them get through this indefinite period of confusion. Le Fanfare in Greenpoint has been my family and livelihood for nearly 3 years now, and also provides the means for me to create all of this, for you. Show your support, to us, to them, to everyone

And combine all THREE of these things nightly by coming outside and making noise at 7pm. In Greenpoint, nightly drumming is led by Caleb Spaulding from his rooftop on Greenpoint Avenue. Bring an instrument or any way you can think of to make noise (clapping is just fine!) and show support for all of our essential workers on the front lines and have a stoop party with your neighbors.
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